Posts Tagged ‘motivator’

Goal Setting – The Top Ten Mistakes That Rob You of Your Goals!

January 7, 2009

It’s that time of year when we all set goals and resolutions for the New Year. Here’s a few tips that should help you on your way…

Goal Setting – The Top Ten Mistakes That Rob You of Your Goals – By Jill Koenig

1) Waking up and then trying to figure out what you are going
to do that day based on what you feel like doing. High
performing men and women know days, weeks and sometimes even
months or years in advance.

2) Not having your tasks prioritized. When planning your day
and mapping out your projects, figure out which activities
should be done and in the precise order based upon importance.

3) Doing it all yourself AKA Not using professionals because
you think you can’t afford it. It takes you at least 10 times
longer to learn how to clumsily carry out a task that a
specialist can do in a few minutes.

4) Not having a mentor. A mentor is someone you can emulate.
A mentor is someone you can model who will show you the ropes,
saving you valuable time, energy and money.

5) Not having a Coach. A Coach is different from a mentor, as
a coach can zero in on helping you advance specific Goals and
stay focused on the tasks necessary to achieve them.

6) Spending time on things that are unnecessary. Spending
valuable hours disinfecting your desk, reorganizing your file
cabinets and dusting your keyboard with a Qtip in the middle
of the workday is the ultimate procrastination.

7) Not working on yourself. My mentor taught me to work harder
on myself than I do on my business. I still practice reading
and listening to motivational tapes first thing in the morning
every morning and all throughout the day.

8) Spending large amounts of time and energy with others who do
not work on themselves. Getting around other focused, motivated
people with Goals, dreams of their own will inspire you.

9) Not taking time to celebrate when you reach a Goal. Give
yourself the gift of reveling in your achievement.

Learn to celebrate your victories!

Learn to celebrate your victories!

10) Not having a long term vision to empower you. If all you are
doing is racking up a bunch of meaningless tasks, you are merely
killing time.

Cartoon for the Attractor Factor piece by Joe Vitale…

December 22, 2008

I’ve read quite a few of Joe Vitale’s books and he’s inspired many cartoons.

Here’s a piece from the Attractor Factor…

Here’s a secret that may surprise you: When you
want something, but can live without having it,
you have upped the odds of your having it.

This is one of the ironies of life. As long as you are play-
fully desiring something, but not addicted to your having it,
the universe will most likely quickly bring it to you.

But as soon as you say, “I must have this,” you begin to
push it away.


Because you are sending out an energy to repel what you
say you want.

Because you are focused on need and not in the moment.

Because you haven’t learned the ultimate secret….

Let Go.

Cartoon - Let Go!

Cartoon - Let Go!

You can read up on Joe’s latest course…

Awaking Course

Getting good out of a bad situation!

December 20, 2008

dougdissoutWhile searching around for a cartoon to illustrate an article on ‘turning bad situations into good ones’ I came across this cartoon I did in 1999. I started a series called ‘Manic Motivators’. Let me know what you think? Was it a good title for a motivational cartoons feature? Is it something worth resurrecting?

Good coming out of Bad!

Good coming out of Bad!

Good coming out of bad!

Motivational cartoon to illustrate ‘Finish Strongly’!

September 25, 2008


I came across this very interesting piece from Elle at

which inspired this cartoon…

Today’s daily dose: Finish Strong
The winners are those people who finish strongly. The ones who win on the athletics track are the ones who train for beyond the winning line. They don’t see the winning line and say – hey it’s just there I can ease up now, I’ll stop doing all I can and just coast a little – I deserve it…after all I’ve been leading this race from the beginning. Or if they do, they are beaten by the people who are prepared to go beyond the winning line before they consider stopping.

Train for beyond the winning line!

Train for beyond the winning line!

Take any of the team sports. The players don’t just train so they can play for the exact length of time they have to play their games. What would happen if they went into extra time and had nothing left in the tank…who is the team going to win if that is the case? You got it…the team of people who had trained so they could run the extra few minutes to clinch the game.

In your business ventures – do you go that extra distance? Do you put in the time you need to ensure you are a success or are you prone to coasting at the crucial moments?

How about your personal fitness goals. Do you do all that you can? Or are you tempted to coast a little on the distance, the weights and the intensity of the workouts. Who are you cheating? Yes – you are cheating yourself by not doing all that you can.

Go that little bit further today. Stretch yourself and finish strong.

With many thoughts

To add your comments –