Archive for the ‘cartoon’ Category

The First Ever Motivational Poster!?

July 13, 2009

The First Ever Motivational Poster!?


Cartoon – Don’t do a good job, do a GREAT job!

July 10, 2009

Ask yourself – Am I consistent?

Ask yourself – Am I doing a GREAT job?

Ask yourself – Am I doing more than expected?

Ask yourself – Am I providing my employer with excellence rather than mediocrity?

If you can answer a positive YES to all the above your life will translate into EXCELLENCE!!!WorkExperience

Slimming – Motivational cartoon!

July 9, 2009

DougDissoutDoug Diss-out of my filing cabinet – one of a series of slimming cartoons I did some years ago for a slimming mag here in the UK. These cartoons never went to print and were never finished off to colour artwork as the editor changed her policies on cartoons. Stay tuned to see the rest of them.

Pusu-ups are good. PUSH-AWAYS are even better!

Pusu-ups are good. PUSH-AWAYS are even better!

Here’s one of my favourite quote:

My advice if you insist on slimming: Eat as much as you like – just don’t swallow it.
Harry Secombe

To succeed – You have to be BOLDER!

July 8, 2009


Cartoons – How to avoid NEGATIVE people!

July 2, 2009

Do you hang out with ‘can’t do’, ‘no way’ and ‘I’ll never be good at anything’ sort of people? BEWARE, because we become like the people we associate with! Then you’ll constantly be discouraged, on a downer and depressed. Instead, surround yourself with positive people those who can inspire and motivate you so you can, should, and do take action.

Hiding under desk from Mr.Negative!

Hiding under desk from Mr.Negative!

Avoid negative people and don’t feel guilty about it – period!

Maybe you have a friend who needs to challenge everything you say – avoid them!

Avoid negative people at work.Don’t pick up the phone or answer the door if a certain negative individual is calling or coming by.(See above cartoon!)

Turn the television off during news briefs that focus on what’s wrong in your community or even the world. Negative news travels fast – very fast!(Do you think all this recession would be as bad if it wasn’t for the press/media going on about it all the time?)

Avoid reading newspapers, books or magazines that may portray or write a story on negative people.

Don’t get sucked into negative conversations.

Here’s some proactive steps you can take to align ourselves with positive people:  You could also visit this blog everyday!

Visit other online forums and get involved with positive discussions.

Go to local community events, clubs or groups.

Organize a positive mentoring group.

Listen to upbeat music, instead of talk show radio programs.

In negative conversations change the subject to something positive so that you don’t get sucked in.

Find other avenues of socializing as opposed to drinking in bars, such as joining clubs, going for walks in the park or opting for a nice dinner out on the town instead. (With exception to bars like this…)

Positive Hour

Positive Hour


June 29, 2009

The Demon of Doubt – he plagues us all. You’ve got to ZAP him as soon as he enters your mind.

The Deomn of Doubt

The Demon of Doubt

Here’s a few ‘doubt’ quotes to chew on…

“Any belief worth having must survive doubt” (Sorry forgot where I got this from!)

“Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt” – William Shakespeare

“When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt” (And this one!)

“What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn’t have any doubt – it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn’t want to go anywhere else.” – Hal Boyle

“11 Reasons Why You Will Never Succeed” By Gary Vurnum PART 11

June 22, 2009

REASON # 11 – You have something that you have
always wanted to do, but never got around to doing
it. And you know you never will.

I always wanted to do what I am doing now…I just didn’t
realise it.

Now I am fulfilling my dream, against all the odds. Many
people I know wish that they could do this…or do that…
but they always somehow find an excuse why they can’t.

Everybody has an interest, hobby, or skill that they could
happily get lost in for a few hours. If you think that you
may not…you are probably not thinking hard enough!

The key to finding out what it is you really love to do is
to ask yourself this question –

“What thing would you happily pay to be able to do?”

If “watch TV” is the answer…you’ll have to try harder!

Sometimes…you may not even realise that you are doing it.
For example…I have a good friend of mine who is a good
talker…he could strike up a conversation with a passer-by
within 2 seconds of meeting them. It’s a talent that comes
naturally to him.

To me…he’s an ideal

– Network marketer
– Salesman
– Real estate agent

Or any number of occupations where “relationshipping” is the
key to getting on and being successful.

If he worked in one of those fields…I am sure that he
would be a success. Instead…he just ‘treads water’ in a
job that pays him well but he gets nothing from it.

All he needs is a job where he gets paid to talk!

Look into how you might be able to make a living from your
talent. Someone, somewhere must make money doing something
similar to what you like to do.

Make sure that if you really want to do something, turn the
‘but’ into a ‘how’ and go for it!


Well, that’s the end of this special free
report – I hope that you got something of value from it.

Thanks for finding out about the “11 Reasons Why You Will
Never Succeed”.

I sincerely hope that this course has benefited you…and
maybe given you a kick-start to get back on track to
achieving the success you deserve.

If you have any questions about the information in this
special report, please contact me at:

To Our Success!

Gary Vurnum

P.S. If you enjoyed this report you may be interested in
my eBook “The Science of Success”.

“11 Reasons Why You Will Never Succeed” By Gary Vurnum PART 10

June 19, 2009

REASON # 10 – You worry what your family and
friends would think about you if you read or listened
to self-development material.

Im going to be one...a SUCCESS!

I'm going to be one...a SUCCESS!

I was always embarrassed about reading self-development
books on the train into work.

That was until I realised who was still going to be on the
same train in five years time, and I knew it wasn’t going to
be me!

I still get raised eyebrows from my family, but I will be
the one who is smiling when I achieve what I know that I can
achieve. Only this evening…my sister laughed out loud when
I told her that my eBook was called “The Science of Success”

But…at least I am doing what I want to do.

I take my personal development seriously.

Others may ridicule you…or laugh behind your back…but
they will be the jealous ones when you reach your dream…
and they are still stuck in never-never land!

So the moral of the story is…

Do what you want to do with your life…and not what others
say you should do.

Cartoon video for Everything Counts web site intro!

June 16, 2009

Cartoon movie for Everything Counts web site!

June 16, 2009

The above cartoon video was produced with Gary Ryan Blair of The Goals Guy. Gary emailed me the audio file and I  listened to this and jotted down ideas, created all the cartoons to suit the script and emailed them back to him. There was some going backwards and forwards before we got all the cartoons right. It was something new for me to work on and was very challenging. A very enjoyable project!