Archive for February, 2009

How To Customize How-To and Self-Help Info To Work For You!

February 27, 2009

How To Customize How-To and
Self-Help Info To Work For You

By Bob Scheinfeld, Life Change Expert.

Most self-help writers, including the most popular ones, will freely admit that even their best ideas only work for about five percent of their readers. Why? Because they are one-size-fits-all remedies that either don’t fit your situation or aren’t easily put into action.

As a 26 year veteran of the personal development field, I’ve seen many different self-help programs come and go. Most of them claim you have unlimited power and can create anything you consciously want — all you have to do is use the expert;’s techniques. That’s a nice theory, but it probably doesn’t match your day-to-day experience, does it?

Recognize that there are what I call “unseen forces” at work – parts of your unconscious that work like the director of a movie, planning  for you, filtering, coaching, shaping your daily experiences (and the results you get from self help techniques) to help  you fulfill your life purpose.

We all come to the table with different “life purposes” to fulfill. You can get far better results from how-to and self-help information if you customize it to fit your life, business, or some other specific situation. If you feel like an idea or technique doesn’t feel right to you or isn’t working, trust your intuition and modify or discard it.

Don’t base your self-help efforts on the ideas of a single book, report or expert. Sample a variety of methods. Find elements that work together and work well for you. Rather than pushing yourself to follow someone else’s path, find comfort in the knowledge that you came here to carve out your own unique path to success.

More stuff from Bob Scheinfeld

Don’t do a good job, do a great job!

February 26, 2009

Don’t do a good job, do a FANTABULOUS job! Your consistent
behavior in your life translates into excellence, and that
is what your employer rewards.
* Be consistent
* Do a great job – in fact, do a fantastic job!
* Do more than expected – go the EXTRA mile!

Going The Extra Mile!

Going The Extra Mile!

This cartoon was produce for my local Chamber of Commerce who had it printed up as a Thank You card for employee’s who had done well in their jobs. Nice little touch!

Going The Extra Mile - Thank You card!

Going The Extra Mile - Thank You card!

Devoted to drawing motivational cartoons!

February 25, 2009

“People think I’m disciplined. It is not discipline. It is devotion. There is a great difference.”

Luciano Pavarotti
1935-2007, Opera Singer

I'm devoted to drawing cartoons!

I'm devoted to drawing cartoons!

I’m totally devoted to drawing cartoons, I can’t think of anything else I could do all day long. I love drawing full stop! I’m blessed to be able to call this work – I’m so grateful! (And I do get up at 5:45 everyday!)

Cartoon of Captain Positive – Being More Positive!

February 24, 2009
Captain Positive don't accept any negative stuff!

Captain Positive don't accept any negative stuff!

Hints and tips on becoming more positive

1. Train yourself to notice when you are happy and try to collect five happy moments every single day.
2. Get active – physical activity releases happy chemicals in our brains.
3. Sign up as a volunteer research shows that helping others gives us a sense of wellbeing.
4. Keep in contact with your mates – scientists report that individuals with a good social network are more likely to be positive people.
5. Write a letter of thanks to someone who has helped you or had a great influence on you. This will increase your positive and contented feelings.
6. Eat healthily, drink plenty of water and get sufficient sleep. It’s hard to feel positive if you aren’t treating your body with care and respect.
Written by Christine Webber

(My apologies to Christine – I lost your URL.)

Cartoons to illustrate ‘The Invisible Enemy of Success’ by Mike Litman

February 23, 2009

Just been on Mike Litman’s blog and his latest post really hit the nerve. I drew the first version of the cartoon quite a few years ago and the second one is a slight updated version after reading Mike’s post…

Just too many people at an early age bought into MENTAL JUNK. They accepted limiting, defeating words spoken over them and many have brought that BELIEF into adulthood. Words have IMMENSE power. 25 times more then you can imagine.

Something Very Exciting Is Going To Happen Today!

Something Very Exciting Is Going To Happen Today!

The words we BELIEVE and say about ourselves set the limits for our lives. They do. You can’t surpass your words. You just can’t. Also, many have voids in their life because words WEREN’T SPOKEN. (You needed to hear something years ago, though it was never spoken.) You have to NOW speak these words into yourself. (I call this -Power Speak-)

Something Great Is Going To Happen To me Today!

Something Great Is Going To Happen To me Today!

“Something great is going to happen to me today.” “I have a winning personality and people are drawn to me.” “I expect people to want to help me reach my goals.”“Making money is simple and easy.” (Too many people buy into the “Money is hard” mindset) All day you should be saying: “You have what it takes.” “Great things are about to happen to me.” Guard your mind. Stop letting defeating words into your life. Words will crush you or lift you’ve higher then you’ve EVER imagined.

Surf over to Mike Litman’s blog for the full article…..

Commissioning Motivational Cartoons!

February 20, 2009

Why keep a dog and bark yourself?  Consider getting your “bark” from cartoon motivators. I’ve been drawing cartoons for two and a half decades – more if you include time spent in school and scribbling on desks and walls! God, am I ever glad I never got caught.

With all this experience behind my work, I could motivate a lion to go vegan!

Vegetarian Lion cartoon

Vegetarian Lion cartoon

And don’t worry about my schedule; I’m lightning fast with writing wit, and creating illustrations that will inspire on the spot.

You also don’t have to be concerned that maybe my style and taste might not mesh with yours. I can mould myself to anything you like, and present you with cartoons that are appropriate for viewing by all ages.

Hey, when it comes to cartooning, I am the Chameleon of Cartoons!

It’s said that the pen is mightier than the sword. Well, with your ideas, and my mighty pen–together we can motivate your world to do anything you want!

So, you ready to get started? All you have to do is send me your plan, a short note will do, and I will mould it, shape it, and create just the right cartoon for you. And, don’t worry if my first effort doesn’t meet with your total approval; I’m always open to revisions. I’ll change the cartoons as many times as you want, until it’s perfect, until it’s exactly what you want.

So, question: How do you Commission Cartoons?

Our first contact is best done via an e mail. Just tell me what your requirements and ideas for your piece are:
Do you need a part of a speech to be in cartoon form? In that case, send me the lines you have in mind, and a short description of what it should look like.

Are you looking for a motivational greeting card or postcard? Write it down or send me a few scratches on paper, even stick figures are fine. Believe me, with my talent and experience, I can take those few random lines of yours and create a masterful cartoon image.

When do you need them?  Give me the date and I will do my best not to be late!

If you have some ideas, some perfect dream of what your motivational drawing should be, just send them along. I’ll look over your ideas and get back to you ASAP with a quote for the work.

End of shameless plug!

Motivational Posters (and postcards!)

February 19, 2009

I’ve been an cartoon artist for over twenty five years, and I’ve drawn all kinds of comics, posters, postcards etc. I can tell you that they come in very handy when looking to motivate people. I’ve done them for companies that used them to inspire their staff, their sales team and even their colleagues to work harder, faster and better.

You’ll be amazed at how effective they can be. It all goes back to the simple fact that a little humour goes a long way toward helping people to remember things. Also, as it’s done via a visual medium, that helps too. There’s that old saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words”. So, if you get the right images, coupled with your words, you’ll have a winning combination.

I'm down at the moment - but I'll be back!

I'm down at the moment - but I'll be back!

I can do both postcards and posters, created from a brief that you send me. And don’t worry about time; I don’t have to have it via snail-mail. You just e-mail me an outline of what you need, and I’ll create a rough sketch as a first draft. After that, you review it, make additions, subtractions and/or changes; then I’ll go to work on finalizing all of the artwork.

Once I’ve got things just the way you want them, I’ll send you the approved artwork. You can get them in either full colour or black and white. It all really depends on your budget. After all, colour does cost more, but you might think it’s worth it.


Motivational poster to motivate staff to keep the car's battery on charge while on the BMW production line.

Still, no matter what you need me to create, you’ll have posters and/or postcards that are tailor-made to your company and your message. Believe me, they are a great motivational tool.

I have to include a shameless plug every now and then to try and drum up some future business!

Cartoon to illustrate Bravery quotes!

February 18, 2009

Having a surf around the net I stumbled across these ‘bravery’ quotes which inspired this cartoon…

“Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.”
Omar Bradley

Bravery cartoon!

Bravery cartoon!

“The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.”

Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
Omar N. Bradley

A-Z of Positive Thinking Part 8.

February 17, 2009

Here’s the eighth cartoon in my A-Z of Positive Thinking cartoons. I think this is the last one I drew. The monthly magazine I was doing them folded shortly afterwards – nothing to do with my cartoons!

H is for Honesty!

H is for Honesty!

Honesty is the best policy. If I lose mine honor, I lose myself.William Shakespeare

Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist.Mary Kay Ash

Honesty is like an icicle; if once it melts that is the end of it –

Motivational cartoon – The Brink of Failure or the Brink of SUCCESS!?

February 16, 2009

I was scanning through one of Napolean Hill’s book over the weekend and this quote inspired me to draw this cartoon…

No man ever achieved worthwhile success who did not, at one time or other, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure. – Napoleon Hill

The Brink of Failure or the Brink of SUCCESS!?

The Brink of Failure or the Brink of SUCCESS!?

Here’s a couple more ‘failure’ quotes that I liked…

Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.– Denis Waitley

One of the reasons mature people stop learning is that they become less and less willing to risk failure. – Author Unknown