Posts Tagged ‘business success’

Be a Life Champion Like George Foreman

February 11, 2009

I’m on Bob Proctor’s email list and this came in a few days ago – I thought it was worth showing you…

Nearly 100 million George Foreman Grills have sold since 1995 and George Foreman is now one of the most highly paid and recognized celebrity endorsers in the world. But his life is not one of just business success. Foreman is also a community leader, father, husband, world-champion boxer and—best yet—his life has meaning.

Apply Foreman’s philosophies for success in your life:

1.    Belief: “You have to have something you believe in. It could be someone you believe in, too. But at least have something you believe in and you cannot be talked out of by dollars and cents.”

2.    Integrity: “You must preserve the quality of your name, your integrity. You don’t want to lie about anything. And it’s something that people will be happy about once they get to know you. Because people count on you.”

Sales champion!

Sales champion!

3.    Sales: “Learn to sell and you’ll never starve.”

4.    Resilience: “You’re going to fail if you do enough business. But you can always come back because you’ve got some integrity, and people need that.”

Persistence Pays cartoon strip.

Persistence Pays cartoon strip.

5.    Persistence: “It may take a year, it may take three or four years, but you’re going to hit something so you have something to put on the table for your family.”

6.    Legacy: “You want to leave something, you really do. I mean, in the end, statues and all those things, they don’t mean anything. Leave something that we’re all going to benefit from.”

Cartoon – Do It Now!

January 28, 2009

Here’s another piece from the 100 Day Challenge I did last year…

Embrace a Do It Now Philosophy!
The people who make things happen in this world value and share a similar sense of urgency. It’s my great desire to ignite a flame under your behind today…

Sometimes you need a rocket up your ass!

Sometimes you need a rocket up your ass! that compels you to step up, to raise the bar, and astound yourself.
You must keep in mind that throughout this 100 Day Challenge, no matter how intelligent or capable you may be, if you don’t have a sense of urgency. Now is the time to start developing it.
Creating a do it now attitude helps you to replace question marks with exclamation marks!
* The unwritten letter? Write it today!
* The old friend you’ve been meaning to reconnect with? Get connected today!
* The apology that is long overdue? Apologize today!
* The book you’ve talked about writing? Start writing today!
* The visit you’ve been intending to make? Make it today!
* The business you were going to start someday? Get started today!
* The race you were going to run? Start running today!
* The daily exercise you were going to do? Start exercising today!
* The language you were going to learn? Start learning today!
* The musical instrument you’ve always wanted to play? Start playing today!
* The resolution to give back to the community? Begin giving back today!
* The person with whom you’ve been meaning to share your faith? Share it today!
* The time you’ve promised to spend with your children? Spend it with them today!
* The broken relationship you’ve wanted to restore? Work at it today!
* The decision to confront your fears and dump all of those excuses? Do it today!

Cartoon – The First Steps To Success!

January 27, 2009

Here’s an excerpt from Ryan Blair’s 100 Day Challenge – the cartoon is mine and doesn’t appear in the transcript…

We all know that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and the same holds true for the 100 Day Challenge.
The goal choices you make today set the pace (fast) as well as the tone (playing to win), and the actions you take today determine both your direction and destiny.
To ensure a good start, you must take that bold first step, you must identify three achievable goals and you must pursue victory throughout the day. You must start the day fast and finish the day strong.
You must have the conviction that the purpose of setting a goal must be to achieve it, as there is no purer form of success, no more exact and exacting test of what you are capable of than to seize every opportunity, and achieve everything you set out to do.

First Steps to Success!

First Steps to Success!

100 Day Challenge – Start Fast Finish Strong!

January 26, 2009


I took Ryan Blair’s 100 day challenge last year from September thru the end of December – it was an outstanding goal setting and life planning program. You get a daily audio along with a transcript, I can certainly say it helped me refocus and kept me on my toes everyday.

Stuck in Time!

Stuck in Time!

I hate to admit it, but I was stuck in time, I was in a comfort zone and just going along nice and steady. It changed my thinking and now I’m back climbing the next mountain!

Outta my Comfort Zone!

Outta my Comfort Zone!

100 Day Challenge

Cartoon – CHUNK IT DOWN!

January 22, 2009
Eat a mammoth - one small chunk at a time!

Eat a mammoth - one small chunk at a time!

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one!                                                                                                                                       Mark Twain- Celebrated American author and humorist

Burgers made from Mammoth!

Burgers made from Mammoth!


January 20, 2009


Psychiatrist Daniel G. Amen has named the limiting thoughts we hear in our
head ANTs – Automatic Negative Thoughts. And just like real ants at a picnic, your ANTS can ruin your experience of life. Dr.Amen recommends that you learn to STOMP the ANTs.  First you have to become aware of them; next you have to shake them off and stomp them by challenging them. Finally you have to replace them with more positive and affirming thoughts!

Stomps those ANTS!

Stomps those ANTS!

So, STOMP your ANTs before it’s too late!

Taken from a book by Jack Canfield – The Success Principles, how to get from where you are to where you want to be!

Cartoon to illustrate ‘SUCCESS’ quote!

January 19, 2009

I came across this quote while reading through some stuff from The Goals Guy’s which was crying out for a cartoon…


A wagon called COMMITMENT!

A wagon called COMMITMENT!

Create a Personal Strategic Plan!
by Gary Ryan Blair

Success is not an accident. It begins with a well-conceived plan. You can
and will achieve more in the next year than you have in the past ten with a
disciplined Personal Strategic Plan.
Personal strategic planning is a disciplined thought process, which produces
fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide who you are, where
you are going, what you do, and how, when and why you do it. All of this is
done with a focus on the future.rou

Don’t Make This Success Mistake – by Mike Litman!

January 14, 2009

Here’s another piece I loved from Mike Litman’s blog…

Every level of income demands a different you.

Each level of income demands different habits and actions.
The key is to start, grow, persevere, and become MORE.
***Every level of income demands a different you.

Life is a continuous growing process!

Life is a continuous growing process!

Who do you need to be to make the MONEY and LIFE you desire?
Remember, you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.
Get going. Make your goals smaller and bring greater momentum into your life.
Celebrate your small victories.
You can DO IT. You can.
I believe in you. Now, believe in yourSELF.

Read the full piece at Mike Litman’s blog…

Midweek Motivator cartoon!

July 16, 2008


Here’s the latest ‘Midweek Motivator’ cartoon.

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