Posts Tagged ‘positive thoughts’

Cartoons – How to avoid NEGATIVE people!

July 2, 2009

Do you hang out with ‘can’t do’, ‘no way’ and ‘I’ll never be good at anything’ sort of people? BEWARE, because we become like the people we associate with! Then you’ll constantly be discouraged, on a downer and depressed. Instead, surround yourself with positive people those who can inspire and motivate you so you can, should, and do take action.

Hiding under desk from Mr.Negative!

Hiding under desk from Mr.Negative!

Avoid negative people and don’t feel guilty about it – period!

Maybe you have a friend who needs to challenge everything you say – avoid them!

Avoid negative people at work.Don’t pick up the phone or answer the door if a certain negative individual is calling or coming by.(See above cartoon!)

Turn the television off during news briefs that focus on what’s wrong in your community or even the world. Negative news travels fast – very fast!(Do you think all this recession would be as bad if it wasn’t for the press/media going on about it all the time?)

Avoid reading newspapers, books or magazines that may portray or write a story on negative people.

Don’t get sucked into negative conversations.

Here’s some proactive steps you can take to align ourselves with positive people:  You could also visit this blog everyday!

Visit other online forums and get involved with positive discussions.

Go to local community events, clubs or groups.

Organize a positive mentoring group.

Listen to upbeat music, instead of talk show radio programs.

In negative conversations change the subject to something positive so that you don’t get sucked in.

Find other avenues of socializing as opposed to drinking in bars, such as joining clubs, going for walks in the park or opting for a nice dinner out on the town instead. (With exception to bars like this…)

Positive Hour

Positive Hour

Cartoon for Motivational Quote!

March 3, 2009

Cartoon to illustrate a Motivational Quote!

If you wish to reap a crop, you must first cultivate the land, plant the seed, water and fertilize the plant, protect it, and then finally, undertake the harvest.                   – Glen McQuirk

But in the meantime, keep out those negative thoughts, don’t let them creep in and spoil your harvest….

Keep NEGATIVE seeds out of your positive garden!

Keep NEGATIVE seeds out of your positive garden!

How YOU can use motivational cartoons in your business!

January 21, 2009

I had a recent request to licence my ROAD TO SUCCESS cartoon from Charmaine Pollard of CP-Counselling & Consulting.

Road To Success!

Road To Success!

Her initial email was…Further to our conversation earlier, I would like you to provide a sketch/rework of your  ‘it‚s the road to success’ cartoon and amend it to: It‚s the road to
Confidence and uses the below sign posts.

1.    Well defined Goals
2.    Self praise
3.    Believe that you deserve the best
4.    Being assertive
5.    Managing stress & anxiety
6.    Positive thoughts
7.    Don‚t quit
8.    Self acceptance
9.    Stepping out of your comfort zone
10.   Taking action

Please ensure Confidence is in a large size font.

The image will be the front page of a hand out which I will give to
participants, on A4 size paper.

Here’s the finished piece…

Road to Confidence!

Road to Confidence!

Having been skeptical about trying out a new company especially from the internet without any recommendations, I can honestly say. Richard Duszczak of Cartoon Studio Ltd’s work is amazing, his turn around time was exceptionally fast, and any requests for amendments were literally carried out in minutes.

I definitely will work with Cartoon Studio Ltd again, I am always keen to work with professional people, particularly those who are passionate about their work, provide an excellent level of professionalism and are exceptionally skilled at their work.

Charmaine Pollard
Principal Consultant

So, as you can see I’m always happy to work with you on your business ideas.

End of shameless plug!

A – Z of Positive Thinking…Part 4

January 15, 2009
D is for Determination!

D is for Determination!

Here’s part 4 of my A-Z of Positive Thinking images series. (I redrew this and coloured it up a few years later – so you might have seen it before!)

And a few of my other favourite Determination quotes:

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”                                                                                                 Gail Devers

We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history. Sonia Johnson

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
Vince Lombardi

B is for BELIEF!

January 8, 2009
B is for BELIEF!

B is for BELIEF!

A while ago I posted A is for Action – then totally forgot about the others I had on file. So I’m digging them out and will be posting them over the next few days. These were from a small collections of cartoons I did for a magazine here in the UK years ago called SUCCESS TODAY , it was short lived and folded before I got to the letter ‘I’. Shame – I loved that magazine!

Here’s a few BELIEF quotes that I liked:

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Anatole France

Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true. [paraphrased] Buddha

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. Gail Devers

Motivational football cartoon…Now I wake up to POSITIVE thoughts!

January 11, 2008

You can either wake up with negative thoughts or go for positive ones. Which is going to make you a better player?

Cartoon - wake-up to positive thoughts