Posts Tagged ‘goal setting cartoon’

Cartoon – Do It Now!

January 28, 2009

Here’s another piece from the 100 Day Challenge I did last year…

Embrace a Do It Now Philosophy!
The people who make things happen in this world value and share a similar sense of urgency. It’s my great desire to ignite a flame under your behind today…

Sometimes you need a rocket up your ass!

Sometimes you need a rocket up your ass! that compels you to step up, to raise the bar, and astound yourself.
You must keep in mind that throughout this 100 Day Challenge, no matter how intelligent or capable you may be, if you don’t have a sense of urgency. Now is the time to start developing it.
Creating a do it now attitude helps you to replace question marks with exclamation marks!
* The unwritten letter? Write it today!
* The old friend you’ve been meaning to reconnect with? Get connected today!
* The apology that is long overdue? Apologize today!
* The book you’ve talked about writing? Start writing today!
* The visit you’ve been intending to make? Make it today!
* The business you were going to start someday? Get started today!
* The race you were going to run? Start running today!
* The daily exercise you were going to do? Start exercising today!
* The language you were going to learn? Start learning today!
* The musical instrument you’ve always wanted to play? Start playing today!
* The resolution to give back to the community? Begin giving back today!
* The person with whom you’ve been meaning to share your faith? Share it today!
* The time you’ve promised to spend with your children? Spend it with them today!
* The broken relationship you’ve wanted to restore? Work at it today!
* The decision to confront your fears and dump all of those excuses? Do it today!

Cartoon – The First Steps To Success!

January 27, 2009

Here’s an excerpt from Ryan Blair’s 100 Day Challenge – the cartoon is mine and doesn’t appear in the transcript…

We all know that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and the same holds true for the 100 Day Challenge.
The goal choices you make today set the pace (fast) as well as the tone (playing to win), and the actions you take today determine both your direction and destiny.
To ensure a good start, you must take that bold first step, you must identify three achievable goals and you must pursue victory throughout the day. You must start the day fast and finish the day strong.
You must have the conviction that the purpose of setting a goal must be to achieve it, as there is no purer form of success, no more exact and exacting test of what you are capable of than to seize every opportunity, and achieve everything you set out to do.

First Steps to Success!

First Steps to Success!

Cartoon Motivational Memo – another page from the book!

January 12, 2009


Here’s another page from the book written by Peter Sinclair and illustrated by yours truly!

Best wishes,


‘Helping You To Smile Your Way To Success!’


‘I will embrace my liberty to commit to my own dreams and because of this I will know TRUE FREEDOM.’



Freedom is your human right. You were not created to be imprisoned. You were created to roam free. Free as a bird, knowing no limits. No mountain is too high. No sea is too wide. Your future is awaiting you, so what are you going to do about it? For you are an individual with incredible talent. Your life is just one colour of humanities rainbow. So go ahead and splash the world’s canvas with your brush. The world is waiting to hear your voice, to see your contribution and to experience the beat of your heart and the liberty of your life.

Goal Setting – The Top Ten Mistakes That Rob You of Your Goals!

January 7, 2009

It’s that time of year when we all set goals and resolutions for the New Year. Here’s a few tips that should help you on your way…

Goal Setting – The Top Ten Mistakes That Rob You of Your Goals – By Jill Koenig

1) Waking up and then trying to figure out what you are going
to do that day based on what you feel like doing. High
performing men and women know days, weeks and sometimes even
months or years in advance.

2) Not having your tasks prioritized. When planning your day
and mapping out your projects, figure out which activities
should be done and in the precise order based upon importance.

3) Doing it all yourself AKA Not using professionals because
you think you can’t afford it. It takes you at least 10 times
longer to learn how to clumsily carry out a task that a
specialist can do in a few minutes.

4) Not having a mentor. A mentor is someone you can emulate.
A mentor is someone you can model who will show you the ropes,
saving you valuable time, energy and money.

5) Not having a Coach. A Coach is different from a mentor, as
a coach can zero in on helping you advance specific Goals and
stay focused on the tasks necessary to achieve them.

6) Spending time on things that are unnecessary. Spending
valuable hours disinfecting your desk, reorganizing your file
cabinets and dusting your keyboard with a Qtip in the middle
of the workday is the ultimate procrastination.

7) Not working on yourself. My mentor taught me to work harder
on myself than I do on my business. I still practice reading
and listening to motivational tapes first thing in the morning
every morning and all throughout the day.

8) Spending large amounts of time and energy with others who do
not work on themselves. Getting around other focused, motivated
people with Goals, dreams of their own will inspire you.

9) Not taking time to celebrate when you reach a Goal. Give
yourself the gift of reveling in your achievement.

Learn to celebrate your victories!

Learn to celebrate your victories!

10) Not having a long term vision to empower you. If all you are
doing is racking up a bunch of meaningless tasks, you are merely
killing time.

Going the EXTRA Mile – cartoon!

March 4, 2008

I always like to think I go the extra mile in my cartoon business and I thought this might motivate you to do it in yours!

I came across the below motivational quote this morning while surfing.

Best wishes, Richard

“Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. They did all that was expected of them and a little bit more.”
A. Lou Vickery

Going the extra mile!

Golf affirmation illustrated with cartoon!

March 3, 2008

Here’s a piece I came across that inspired a cartoon.(Please excuse me as I have misplaced the site that I got it from – it was a couple of years ago!)

For instance, lets say your chip onto the green wasn’t at all what you had hoped for, and instead you have a very difficult long putt to make for par instead. Rather than rueing the bad chip shot which most people do, you instead project forward to the next shot, and mentally repeat an affirmation such as “perfect putt, perfect putt, perfect putt…” , over, and over, and over again in your mind while your partner is hitting his shot.

So whenever you hit a bad shot or feel a negative pattern developing, interrupt it with a string of positive affirmations, repeated over and over again until the negative thought has been vanquished forever. Ensure that you never allow negative thoughts to take a hold of your thinking on the course again

The second round the next day I made sure that I was focusing my energy in seeing the golf ball go into the hole. And sure enough, the next day I shot 71. I had 27 putts and missed six other ones. The funny thing about all this is that once I focused my energy on getting the ball in the hole it was amazing how my swing fell into place.
Golf cartoon - my game is Red Hot at the moment!

I dealt with bad ball striking by focusing my attention on getting the golf ball in the hole, no matter what.

I can do this.
I can achieve my goals.
I am completely in control of my game.
I will create positive energy around me.

Cartoon Motivational Memo – another cartoon from the book!

February 25, 2008


Here’s another page from the book written by Peter Sinclair and

illustrated by yours truly!

‘Helping You To Smile Your Way To Success!’


‘I will embrace my liberty to commit to my own dreams

and because of this I will know TRUE FREEDOM.’

Freedom is your human right. You were not created to be imprisoned.

You were created to roam free. Free as a bird, knowing no limits.

No mountain is too high. No sea is too wide. Your future is awaiting you,

so what are you going to do about it? For you are an individual with

incredible talent. Your life is just one colour of humanities rainbow.

So go ahead and splash the world’s canvas with your brush. The world

is waiting to hear your voice, to see your contribution and to experience

the beat of your heart and the liberty of your life.

My Life - A Masterpiece!

Motivational cartoon strip – Pozzy Tivv!

February 13, 2008


Here’s an old strip I started a few years ago – my original idea was to do it weekly on my web site, maybe I should do it on here?(Or both!) Let me know your thoughts!?

Best wishes,


Weekly motivational cartoon strip - Pozzy Tivv!

Writing your problems down!

Cartoons for web campaign!

February 12, 2008

Doug Dissout cartoon character


Here are some cartoons I did a few years ago for someone who wanted a weekly updated motivational cartoon. Unfortunately he moved jobs before it ever being released into cyberspace.

Let me know if you’d like to do something similar on your web site!?

Best wishes,


Path of inactivity cartoon

Goal setting cartoon!